From the beginning, I envisioned becoming a real estate company that continually redefined the standard for excellence—improving every transaction, delivering better service with each customer interaction than we did previously, and utilizing the best technology to simplify the real estate process. We are committed to making these ideals a reality.
I am licensed as a real estate broker and Investment Advisor Representative (IAR) which allows me to provide clients with unique insights into real estate investing. These licenses have also allowed my offices to specialize in both residential and commercial real estate. Some people say balancing both types of real estate is hard, but we like to make an art of it.
A few important things you really need to know about us—we’re brutally honest with our clients, we provide counsel whether or not it is requested, and we strive to do what is in the best interest of our clients at all times. This is how we define Sterling service.
Scott Gardner, Broker/Owner
License #B.1002148.LLC